The Storm Water Management Program
Stormwater is the water that originated from rain. Stormwater that does not soak into the ground becomes surface runoff. Surface runoff flows into surface waterways or storm drains which eventually discharge into surface waters.
Iberia Parish and its partners are implementing a comprehensive Storm Water Management Program aimed at reducing the levels of pollutants carried by rainfall runoff into our waterways.
Runoff from rainfall accumulates pollutants such as lawn chemicals, oils & greases from pavement surfaces, sediment from construction sites, and organics from home wastewater treatment systems.
The program will include efforts such as public & classroom education, detection of illicit connections to the storm water system, and expanding and enhancing ordinances addressing runoff from construction activities.
These activities will be coordinated with efforts by the City of New Iberia and the Village of Loreauville, our partners in this pollution prevention program.
Each one of us can help reduce storm water pollution through adopting good management practices during our day-to-day activities:
Upcoming Events: Please check back at a later time for upcoming events.
Important Resources
We are dedicated to protecting the quality of our stormwater and preserving the natural environment of Iberia Parish. Please review our resources related to Storm Water management.