Jo Morgan
Executive Communications Coordinator
The Executive Communications Coordinator for Iberia Parish Government is responsible for managing the Parish’s digital presence and ensuring effective communication with the community. As the Webmaster and Facebook Administrator, the Coordinator creates and manages content for the Parish’s website and social media platforms, maintaining compliance with legal standards and ensuring all materials are accurate, informative, and engaging. During emergencies or critical events, the Coordinator supports communication efforts to ensure the safety and preparedness of the community.
In addition to digital communications, the Coordinator monitors the timeline and status of projects across the Parish, compiling updates and reports to track progress and accountability. This role also includes administrative functions that support the Chief Administrative Officer and Parish President.
The Executive Communications Coordinator is dedicated to enhancing communication and fostering a transparent and reliable flow of information in Iberia Parish. This role highlights the Parish’s commitment to ensuring residents and stakeholders have access to timely and reliable information.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding content on the Parish’s website or social media platforms, please contact the Executive Communications Coordinator directly.