We are thrilled to announce that Delta Biofuel is nearing completion!

This groundbreaking $100 million project marks the first sugarcane bagasse plant in North America, set to revolutionize the sugar industry by converting bagasse, a byproduct of sugarcane production, into biomass fuel pellets. The plant will have the capacity to convert over 340,000 metric tons of bagasse annually, effectively addressing the bagasse issue for the sugar industry.

Delta Biofuel is expected to create 130 jobs, including operators, technicians, and logistics personnel, with an average salary of $62,500. They are currently hiring with a high demand for drivers with a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to transport pellets for shipping. Review their hiring plan at the following link, Delta BioFuel Hiring Plan.

This project will open doors for new opportunities and foster economic growth in our community. Additionally, the plant will contribute to a sustainable future by producing renewable energy from sugarcane waste.

Plans are in place to power the plant within the next 30 to 45 days, with pellet production starting this fall. They will be fully operational shortly thereafter.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to support this innovative project that brings significant economic and environmental benefits to Iberia Parish!

Photos provided courtesy of Brian Verret, Aero Imaging LLC



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