Hurricane Francine has moved out of our area, and while we have received few reports of damage so far, we understand that there may still be unreported issues in the community. If your home has been impacted by the storm, we urge you to report it immediately.

Please visit Damage.LA.Gov to fill out the online damage report form. It is essential that you report your damage, even if you have insurance that will cover the cost of repairs. Attaching photos of the damage, if possible, will help support your report.

Your information is crucial for us to provide an accurate assessment of storm-related damage to FEMA. This data helps determine whether our Parish will qualify for federal assistance. Reporting your damage does not guarantee financial assistance, but it plays a key role in helping us advocate for resources to support our community.

Filling out the form is not a guarantee of funds or approval for aid. FEMA uses this data to evaluate the extent of damages across our Parish, and their decision on whether we qualify for financial assistance will be based on these reports.

Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to recover from Hurricane Francine.

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