In order to both speed up and make the delivery of our severe weather updates more reliable, Iberia Parish Government is changing the way that we share information from the National Weather Service in Lake Charles on severe weather threats (“Iberia Parish Severe Weather Updates”) and on tropical cyclone threats (“Iberia Parish Tropical Weather Updates”).

Our current Outlook email group for weather updates is being phased out effective May 31, 2024. Starting June 1st, these messages will be emailed (and/or texted, if you choose) to you via the Iberia Parish Information Notification System (IBERIA PINS). In order to continue receiving Iberia Parish Severe Weather Updates and Iberia Parish Tropical Weather Updates, you must have an IBERIA PINS account.

If you have an existing IBERIA PINS account, sign in to your account. This will bring you to the “Profile” tab of your account. In the black bar, click on “Alerts.” Under “Emergency Notifications from Iberia Parish”, select (click on) “Severe Weather Notifications”.

If you do not have an existing account, please click on the following link, IBERIA PINS and sign up for an account using the green “Sign Up Now” button at the right of the page. You can also find the link on the Iberia Parish Government website under “Your Government”, “Homeland Security (Emergency 911)”. The link is located under the Director’s photo. 

When creating your account, make sure to keep the following two categories checked:

  • “Emergency Notifications from Iberia Parish” will ensure that you receive all emergency notifications within our Parish,
  • “Severe Weather Notifications” will ensure that you continue receiving the severe weather messages our office sends out. 

We recommend unchecking all other notifications and then going through them one by one to ensure you are receiving ONLY the notifications that you want to receive.

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact the Iberia Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness by emailing Explain fully what type of assistance you need, include a phone number where you can be reached and someone will either email you back or call you.

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